Tuesday, July 05, 2005

After a month...

wow... it has been a month after we've moved in this new unit.
well, things went well, and I'm sitting here with infront of laptop, waiting for my sweet heart to come back from night class.

Finally, I got the chance to online almost everyday, thanks to Starhub introducing FlexiSurf.

While I can't convince two of my housemates to share the cable bill, my Starhub Digital Line offers me free surfing on weekends. Thus, for weekdays, we'll use FlexiSurf which cost S$2.50 per day, with condition of minimum subscription of 3 days. Thus, effectively we are able to cut cost on the cable bill down to s$40/month.

But... the promotion for free surf ends on december. My only hope is that the broadband new players in the local market will start fighting and I'll be the fisherman who get both the clam and bird.


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