It is a wonderful morning, as you can tell from the turn up rate at the breakfast early morning -- NONE! Only until about 1 hour before the team building activity, you start to see people mushrooming out.

Averna, she is one of the most resourceful one, selling her banana boat sunshade lotion for S$5.00 per apply (free for big boss), but... no one pay her though :-D. She also got me the 青草油 for me injured palm!

While we are eating, we start to worry about the programme later. The team building game, which is going to be held at the beach and yet, the sun had already high up in the sky.

Beach volley ball court, as we pass by, the staffs at the beach were asking us for a game.
As we go on to the team building games, you won't see much shots, since all of us are in the game!
The games that we've played are:
1) Balancing Transporter - A wooden board with about 8 holes at its edge, and a string is attached to each of the hole. The team got to pull the string and maintain the balance of that board so that the bottles of water on top of it won't fall.
2) Shot them all - Each team got to pick 3 shooter and the rest are in the 2 confined square. The shooter got to shot the opponent team out!
3) Balloon stepper - Everyone got a balloon tied to the angle and when the whistle off, there you go burst them all!
4) Fill the bucket - Each team given a beach tower, and got to use it to get water from the sea and fill up a bucket. That's fun!
5) Tug of War
6) Water Rafting - Build a boat from 7 tires and 5 spokes, get the whole team out to sea, 200m away to get your team flag. The first team to grab the flag and carry their boat back to the starting point wins!

My team - the ACE Team! Ace Ace, sure win!

The Cheong Team! their slogan --- CHEONG Ah!
Yeah, that's indeed team work in action!

After the games, those who had put their gems in averna's suit case got to grab them back quickly! Because she is going to put it on lelong!

The lelong in action, Alvin got back his stuff and start smoking... (oh man.. look at his belly)

Thank God! the sky is like going to fall down! Just a min after we've left the beach, it was raining cats and dogs! I got to know that our sport men - Alvin, Pete and Rizal went for ski by then, which they are the 3 only crazy guys that went towards the sea when everyone flee back to the resort to escape the rain.

As the trip is coming to an end, we head to the Miyako Japanese restaurant for our lunch.

Samuel, he got no better pose apparently.

Aor and Samuel! His tie is creative isn't it?

Alvin talking about... (too far I couldn't hear)

Aik Hwa : "hmm... " (day dreaming)

Averna and Joyce Foo, say "cheese.."

Pete and Aik Hwa, buddy buddy : "We are hungry!!"

Rizal, Joyce Lim and my miniboss Siew Wah: "look here!"

Pete telling us the beefy story: " I read some where documentary .... they cut a slide of the beef meat when the cow is alive! and eat it. Then the cow recover back... and cut.... wa, life shorten by 2 years for each cut...."

My bento set (beef choice), the better one among all the meals that we had during the trip. But still, the dish are not hot.

Yupp.. and that's the end of the Company Update Trip! Aria Bulapa is the ferry that we boarded to go back to Singapore! Cheers the Conversant Family!