But come to the question of what's my own feeling of being a father, certainly, that's a complex question to me, as I could not analyze! Well, but I got a simple answer: Being a daddy is exciting, challenging and very enjoying!
My baby currently is being feed more than 8 times a day, sometimes is even 13 times a day. As we are working towards the schedule of 8 times a day, and ensure full feeding each time and no snacking for him, it is rather hard for this very first 2 weeks since the baby is still adjusting to many factors and his digestion system becoming better each day.
As of today, breast milk supply couldn't cope with the demand of our little boy and one and only box of milk power is running low. Confinement lady warned me that a small tin one will last only for 5 days while a medium one will last for 1 week!
Thus, the quest for more breast milk is on the move, we've yet to figure out what is the best food that can boost breast milk, and now we are on a 2 and a half hour feeding or pumping schedule to ensure that there is enough simulation and let-down reflex. The highest record so far for pumping is 3.5oz (pumped for 1.5 hour), which on average is 2oz.
Baby is growing very well, he stool after every feeding and wet the diapers as well very often. He'll cry when he is hungry and when the diaper is wet. And, for new parents, he'll also cry when he is trying to stool, since he feel uncomfortable at the bowel and trying to push (you'll see his face turning red). Watch out also, is while changing diaper, he'll sometimes give surprise by peeing on you! :-D
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