It was a very sunny day, 1st of May, the labour day in asia countries. My church organized an outing to the Labrador Park at the West of Singapore.

Darren is the key person that book the BBQ pit and ordered the BBQ stuff. Darren and I reach there earlier than anyone else, to receive the BBQ food and stuff from the vendor. And well, the pit that we've booked isn't that near to the car park and we really need help to carried the 2 big boxes of chilled food and another box of BBQ accessories.
While we are walking to the pit, there are these 3 workers who helped us to carry those stuff voluntarily. Only until we've put all at the resting point beside the pit, they've asked me to give them some money for their "hard work". This is really.... And even more, when Darren came back from washroom, he told me that he had given another few bucks for them to buy softdrink. Oh man, these people are really spoilers. Lesson of the day, there's no free lunch.

I've taken this photo along the way, and I'm not sure what they are doing and it looks like they are digging some shell creatures for fishing.

Ah Pek Wesley Lee!

The very first thing that we do when Siew Voon, "the water supplier" came, make the ribena drink and chill it!

This is the pit that we've booked, Berlayer Battery. It was very very hot even until early evening. And Sean said that it is always the case, when we go for outing, everyone prayed that it will not be rainy, so God answered our prayer with a big hot sun. :-D

Ah Pek Lee in action, showing us how to play the "freebies", of which he had learn from his daughter.

That's Andy's soccer ball, he had tried to pump it and accidentally broke the pumping needle and at the end we have a flatten ball instead.
The sea view, you'll see all sorts ships though.

John Calvin, posturing while Darren take a shot with his aging but still working faithfully Canon G2 Camera.

The ladies and the kids, while the guys went for soccer.

Xue Yin with John Calvin

Andy with his sun glasses (at the very left), see him in action for the game.

Darren! The teacher to be in the coming months.

The little boy must be wondering why these adults play with a flatten rather than playing with him with his smaller version but inflated one.

Another batch of the crowd came, Darren's friends with family. I'm really bad to forgot their names.

Sean, taking the risk of falling off the staircase to take the haning spider with his Canon 400D.

And follow by all others with thier gadgets.

The jeti, viewed from the top of the hill.

Wee Tat, posturing as the thinker -
Le Penseur.

Trying to shot the special sunlight effect with my humble A95.

Finally the party starts, we've started to grill the food. Shown here are the volunteers that grilled the meat for all of us. (well... some of them is not well done grilled!)

Catch the sunset.

Finally, my wife made it here after work. And we all enjoyed the time in groups chit chating.